Galore Creek Mine, British Columbia
A pilot grouting program to assess the feasibility of the construction of a tailings dam.
A pilot grouting program to assess the feasibility of the construction of a tailings dam.
Two high velocity water flows (both in excess of 20,000 liter per minute) through fissured limestone beneath a concrete hydro dam, were successfully stopped with bitumen grouting techniques in hours.
ECO trained the maintenance crews of the US Army Corps Of Engineers in Sault St-Marie in professional crack injection with flexible water reactive polyurethane grout as well as slab jacking techniques.
A grouting program to rehabilitate a dam constructed in the early 1900’s…
ECO designed and directed a variety of grouting rehabilitation projects of historical structures along the Rideau canal…
A multi-facetted grouting operation included curtain grouting below dams, rock anchors and tunnel grouting operations to facilitate the construction of a hydro project.